Storytelling-based approach
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The goal of the Storytelling-based approach tool is to create a better and more meaningful connection between members of organisations, communities or audiences while building shared ideas or values .

Description of the tool

Storytelling is one of the oldest approaches for knowledge transfer being used long before the beginning of history. It has been a vital part of every other methodology and approach in the fields of communication and learning. Storytelling gives us a way to connect with listeners and peers, enabling us to build an emotional connection and developing trust. Human stories and myths are at the base of what truly connects us and gives meanings to our lives. Storytelling-based approach is a broad field, but the main idea is that the presenter/speaker shouldn't say simple facts and numbers, rather she/he/they should present a story that integrates all of the ideas, facts, numbers and all the points that she/he/they wants to communicate and share.

Steps of application

Storytelling is a versatile tool that can be applied in any type of public interaction, be it in a small group, in a workspace or a public speaking event, workshop, webinar. Stories allow the listener to learn, gather information, knowledge, and routines. It gives facts whilst giving examples at the same time. There are few storytelling rules and not even ones is set in stone. These rules are more of a set of suggestions or guideline, for storytelling is something that can be correctly done in a variety of ways depending on the personality of the speaker, environment and situation. Few rules of a good story are :  

1. Having a pivot moment that will hinge person interests  

2. Don't follow some basic plot 

3. Have a main protagonist to the story  

4. Clearly state the goals of the story

5. Shift the story and change it a bit (delivery of the story, story or accents) depending on the way the crowd is receiving the story .

The story can diverge from the rules and principles in a lot of ways, but as Callahan said in his book "Putting Story Work"(2018) : “A story describes what happened.  A great story helps you feel what happened ” hence, the main key of good storytelling is the ability to identify a genuine and effective story.  As we established a core idea of what a good storytelling is, now we can choose what type of story we are telling.  

1. One that calls for an action-story that shows how something was achieved in past and tell the audience how to implement and achieve the same type of success.  

2. Tell a personal story - speaker talks about who he/she/they are regarding their wins and loses, humanising the speaker to the audience and creating an emotional connection.

3. Educational - telling the story of how by trial and error, something was achieved and created. Giving the audience an opportunity to understand how something was achieved and make them see the problem and issues better.

Going over similar topics the story types can be expanded in many ways depending on the context and the audience. Still, for effective knowledge transfer and transformation, speakers should follow the above-mentioned guidelines or at least not stray too far from them.


As mentioned above storytelling is the oldest way of transferring knowledge between people, communities and nations. Every community is defined by some story, be it a written, spoken or visually one. These stories represents the core value of who they are, who were their ancestors and gives the community common values.

Context of origin

Visual representation



Storytelling should be utilised in all manners possible and not be limited to just speaking events. It can also be incorporated in writing, podcasts and in any type of media to better communicate with the audience .
