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The goal of the Gamification approach is to involve and engage with employees, audience, peers and partners to create collaborative workspace, which leads to better communication and transfer of knowledge in collectivities.

Description of the tool

Gamification is the incorporation of game elements to non-game contexts such as blogs, online forums, webinars, learning management systems or company intranets, conferences to maximize participation. Gamification seeks to involve clients, staff and collaborators in order to promote teamwork, sharing and engagement.Gamification succeeds by making Information and topic more attractive, by enabling users to take part in the process they choose and interact with one another and get feedback. Research shows that its a road to autonomy, self-growth, and development of critical thinks. Gamification can be highly effective when applied in a learning environment. It has shown to improve and enhance audience commitment. It provides inspiration by object identification, reinforces retention of information, promotes team building and provides important feedback.

Steps of application

There are lot of ways in which gamification could be applied into reality, but most of them are easy to organize and implement in preplanned meetings and conferences. One of them is that of using aspects of gamification using such platforms as Kahoot, socrative or similar platforms, which allow for flawless integration of interactive aspects of gamification within the workflow, by adding quizzes, polls and small digital interactions, or by implementing small card games, board games or some interactive activity into the workflow.

The main thing to consider when implementing and applying gamification to the real world is to follow these five steps :

1- Using fitting game mechanics to the context of the material  

2- Create and mix the gamification aspects with storyline to engage with the users

3- Introducing different types of mechanics to create a more nuanced experience for the learners that he/she/they can engage in  

4- Clearly determine what you want to achieve by implementing the game mechanisms, and modify the mechanism to better track your goals.  

5- Reward the learners for correct responses, engagement to encourage development, change, collaboration and knowledge adaption.  

As mentioned above the game mechanics can be introduced into the workflow and conferences, workshops by using online tools, hybrid approaches and classic real-life tools such as card games, board games, polls, and interactive moment that encourage engagement and break the pattern of simple memorization and introduce engagement as a learning tool. Gamification for knowledge transfer is flexible and can be applied in practice as an educator feels is right.  

Examples: Gamification can be used by organizations to onboard employees and members of communities by changing the dynamics from boring lectures that solely depend on dry information and facts to an engaging and rewarding session, which will eliminate the risk of non-collaborative environment by creating interactive slides and self-placed gamified surveys and tasks. Using gamification in training and conferences has a similar result.  For example, Simmens have used gamification and storytelling to educate plant managers on how to run their plants using simulation which gave useful experience and training. Nike and Microsoft as well have successfully used similar tactics of simulations, quizzes and additional game mechanics to create a more inclusive and active community.


Gamification approach first appeared online in the tech field in 2008 but even earlier same methodology was used prior in medical fields and scientific visualization. In 2010 gamification became more acknowledged and the term was coined for adding game mechanics to non game situations to increase the feedback and results. Since then, lot of research has been done proving the positive effect gamification has on education and learning. Since 2013 gamification has been widely adapted into the educational fields, used as a tool for change and as a way to raise awareness regarding variety of topics .

Context of origin

Visual representation


